Photoreceptor cells in human eye capture and process light, helping us to see. As these cells degenerate and die, patients experience progressive vision loss (Retinitis pigmentosa). To overcome this problem we have to replace the function of photoreceptors with electrode array (or electrode pattern) which directly stimulates the retinal cells (which directly contact the optic nerve). We are attempting this process via a model approach since it is not possible to test its feasibility in humans.
Our model focuses on three parts: acquisition of visual signals, processing, and displaying the image patterns on LCD screen, so as to describe the basic process of vision.
In the present project we are using indigenous components and we are also developing the necessary programs in order to interface the video camera to the hard ware (a micro controller based circuit) and also the circuit which in turn transmits the signals to the RF receiver and thereby try to provide the stimulus signals to retinal cells.
In the present project though the developed circuit generates stimulus pulses, we may not be able to implement the same on the patient, being a basic model. This requires biocompatible products, and need to be implanted near the retinal cells.
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