Thursday, November 1, 2007

Last year project

Lac Operon :

The project is to show the working of lac operon in a positively inducible environment i.e. when there is no lactose present, the repressor protein stops the transcription process, and hence no proteins are produced. But in the presence of lactose, these molecules bind to the tetramer repressor protein, causing a conformational change helping the RNA polymerase to perform its function (transcription) and hence the proteins are produced.

The proteins produced are enzymes which help in breakdown of lactose and transport of those products.As we are to present a model showing lac operon which is positive inducible, the RNA polymerase (i) required for the expression of lac I gene is made using a microcontroller chip and its movement is based on programming. A photo-transmitter is used to recognize end of gene.

The expression is shown using LEDs’ and the repressor protein produced is a robot made of four motors and a microcontroller chip. We will be using microcontroller based programming for its movement with the help of light detecting devices. As the repressor binds at the operator region on the DNA (made of two, 35 cm wooden sticks), the RNA polymerase (ii) is not allowed to perform its function.

Now the lactose molecule which is based on microcontroller programming will bind to repressor’s hand that is vacant. Using a synchronized program we shall bring the two robots simultaneously back and allow the RNA polymerase (ii) to do its work. The proteins produced from the genes lac Z, lac Y and lac A are shown using LEDs’ connected in parallel